Today I'm going to talk about the latter. Next time I shall delve deeper into the former.
This is just one of three activities I use throughout the year as a quick reminder to my studets that stress can change everything.
This is just one of three activities I use throughout the year as a quick reminder to my studets that stress can change everything.
write this simple sentence out on the board. Next I underline one of
the words in the sentence and get the students to stress said word.
Almost immediately stdents pick up on the difference the stres can
For example. The CAT sat on the mat. The stress on the word cat shows us it was a feline creature and not any other beast.
cat SAT on the mat. With the stress lying on the verb it shows us that
the cat wasn't dancing, nor was she singing and was in fact just having a
nice little sit.
continue with the other words in the sentence then I get students to
write there own sentences and choose a word to stress. Other students
have to decipher the meaning and share with the class what the stressed
word indicates.
And that my friends is about that.
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